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December 17, 2012
America’s Biggest Drug Problem is its Drug Policy
Data gathered over the past 11 years from nearly 7000 admitted chronic cannabis (marijuana) users has provided me with such convincing evidence that the Drug War is so profoundly mistaken, and its claimed benefits so contrary to the tragic results produced, that incremental “reform” is impossible; despite the change of heart expressed by two ex-Presidents who supported the policy while they were in office. Ironically, the present incumbent, a dedicated toker in High School (and an unwitting example of the archetypal teen user in my study) considers it a problem to be dealt with later; even after two states just presented him with a ”legalization” dilemma on the day he was re-elected.Incremental reforms (which I confess to having once believed in) are almost certain to fail for three salient reasons. First, there's the enormous political and financial power amassed by powerful institutions that have learned to profit from the drug war. Second, is the degree to which modern humans have been conditioned to accept unjust punishment as justifiable "collateral damage." Third- and perhaps most disturbing- is that the policy’s essential features resonate powerfully with behavioral imperatives that seem to have been retained for millions of years before their incorporation within the human genome.
Esoteric concerns aside, it's now clear that the damage done to key institutions by four decades of drug war acceptance can’t be undone incrementally. The policy must first be otally repudiated before it can be replaced by one that's more honest, humane, and based on sound medical principles.
A tall order, but one necessary for any hope of success. In the next entry, I'll start explaining my sudden change of mind.
Doctor Tom
Posted by tjeffo at December 17, 2012 07:31 PM