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February 10, 2011
History in the Making
Like so many others, I've been caught up in the drama now unfolding on our TV sets: the clearly related series of of political movements sweeping through autocratic governments of the Arab world. At this moment, Tahrir Square in Cairo is jammed with demonstrators awaiting the downfall of an autocrat who has held power for thirty years with the blessing of the US and Israel. Although it started in Tunisia, the current tsunami of political unrest clearly has its greatest potential for significant change in Egypt because of its control of the Suez Canal and the uncertainty of who might take charge once Mubarak has vacated power.The public display of emotion by hitherto unknown Egyptian actors in this drama must have a lasting effect; as will the weaseling responses of the minions of our competing news services, all of whom are equally unaware of what might happen next.
One of the characteristics of our species is that someone has to be in charge of every organization, whether a family, a business, or a nation; thus when death or some other form of ouster occurs, there has to be a mechanism for transferring either ownership or responsibility for leftover assets and liabilities.
That this is an historic event of great significance is beyond question. How it will play out is still clearly unknown, but that hasn't stopped various twits from criticizing Obama for not taking a stand. What I'm suggesting here is that his true measure as a political leader will be his response to whatever leadership emerges from the present chaos.
The real courage being displayed right now is by those clamoring for an end to the autocracy that has been oppressing them for three decades. As it is, I already see the sudden, unexpected dominance of emotional truth over a repressive autocracy as a sign that there's still hope for humanity. If Obama can also figure that out in the days ahead, so much the better...
Doctor Tom
Posted by tjeffo at February 10, 2011 05:01 PM