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November 03, 2010
Election Results
Although I voted for it, I was neither surprised nor disappointed by Proposition 19’s relatively narrow defeat yesterday; in fact, I rather expected it based mostly on the tone of recent American political commentary and the antics of the US electorate over the past several weeks. Another factor was the frankly disappointing performance of our rookie chief executive whose rhetorical skills clearly outshine his ability to lead. If he wants to be a two-term president, he will have to hope for either a GOP error like the one that saved Bill Clinton in ‘95 or find a way to quickly demonstrate leadership skills similar to those exhibited by Truman throughout his entire presidency.Back to Cannabis and California: the most critical election result yet to be resolved is Attorney General and the stakes are huge: Steve Cooley is an almost-fascist throwback to ex-California AG Dan Lungren. He declared war on LA’s cannabis “dispensaries” long ago. In contrast, his opponent is San Francisco DA Kamala Harris, whose attitude toward pot use seems nearly as confused as Obama’s.
Talk about deja vu; it's the lesser of two evils... all over again.
Doctor Tom
Posted by tjeffo at November 3, 2010 05:42 PM