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August 02, 2010

A World being Overwhelmed by Reality

Ironically, Northern California’s weather has been unseasonably cool so far this summer, but such is not the case in many other parts of the world, including the Southern half of the state; to say nothing of the Eastern US, the Gulf Coast and the Deep South, where everything from triple digit heat, floods, and wild fires are being reported. Then there’s the news (and graphic videos) of other weather-related disasters: huge floods in Pakistan and wildfires in Russia. Funny; there seem to be fewer recent complaints from the far Right about global warming being a liberal “hoax.”

I just turned off the first 1/2 hour of TV news, skipping from one channel to the next as is my wont; it ranged form the improbable to the outrageous, but its theme, for me anyway, was that of a human world still so unwilling to face the magnitude of its self-made disasters that one is forced to wonder what it will take to wake it (them, us) up.

I know that I’ve been writing in this vein for years, hoping against hope that the world would get it. I’m now about ready to admit that the prognosis for meaningful recovery has never appeared more bleak; yet most of the species still seems so oblivious to that reality that I’m occasionally forced to question my own sanity.

Not to worry; whenever that happens all I have to do is to turn on CNN...

Doctor Tom

Posted by tjeffo at August 2, 2010 04:07 PM
