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May 30, 2010

Unpleasant Memorial Day Thoughts

Watching that disastrous geyser of crude oil erupt into the Gulf of Mexico on TV news for the past few weeks has been almost as surreal as following the denial of reality that's long been standard practice for both the US and Mexico with respect to their vexing issues of illegal immigration and illegal drugs. What the three unwelcome intrusions: oil, drugs, and illegal aliens, have in common is that all are uncontrollable, almost impossible to measure precisely, and expose the penchant for dishonesty that may be the most tragic flaw in humanity's otherwise glorious cognitive ability.

If so, it would be tragic indeed, for it is that same cognitive ability that has been allowing Science to unravel secrets of the universe we inhabit at an ever-increasing rate over the past several hundred years. Unfortunately, thoughtless exploitation of new scientific technology, our innate dishonesty, and an underlying emotional vulnerability seem to have combined to produce the multiple problems we now find themselves embroiled in and from which we may have considerable difficulty escaping; primarily because there are now so many of us and we have become so adept at avoiding unpleasant reality.

I'm only too aware that I've been harping on the same unpleasant themes a lot recently; but it's difficult to imagine solutions for problems that can't be acknowledged.

Doctor Tom

Posted by tjeffo at May 30, 2010 05:33 PM
