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March 13, 2010

The (slow) March of Time

Fred Gardner is a journalist and author from Alameda who has long been helpful in educating me on the politics of cannabis and its medical uses. I recently had occasion to re-read a Gardner column from six years ago in which he generously published findings I was preparing to present to a national meeting of reformers on the East Coast. I was struck by two things: how well my then-new findings have been confirmed by the thousands of additional interviews I’ve done since it was written, and the degree to which they are still ignored by those with agendas on both sides of the “legalization” issue.

Some things never change, or more properly, like tectonic plates inching past one another, they change so slowly that when the earthquake finally happens, it’s a bg surprise.

Fred’s other item, the one on asparagus, has even greater relevance today because we know air transportation plays a greater role in CO2 release than expected, thus it’s likely the shift in asparagus production motivated by the US desire to reduce cocaine availability has come at additional unexpected costs: not only are American farmers and consumers being hurt; so also is the global environment.

Meanwhile, the drug war continues supporting the price of cocaine and Hillary just returned from a trip to Latin America in which she admitted the failure of US drug policy but urged further intensification of the same old failing tactics.

Doctor Tom

Posted by tjeffo at March 13, 2010 07:39 PM
