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December 08, 2009
A Quick Follow-Up & a Sign of Progress
My issue of the need for a lawyer seems to have been resolved; I have decided to take my chances with the judge and simply argue that he is free hear whatever rebuttal witnesses the prosecution wishes to call.In the course of composing the recent spate of blog entries, I happened to notice an interesting change in the Google Ads with which it’s been festooned: when they first started, most were for drug treatment and rehab facilities, a point that annoyed me no end, because I certainly don’t agree with the basic predicates of what I’ve come to regard as a Treatment Industry.
However, lately (I don't know just when) the selection of ads has changed radically: most are now aimed at the thriving Medical Cannabis Industry, a development that would worry me greatly if I worked for the DEA.
Doctor Tom
Posted by tjeffo at December 8, 2009 03:59 PM