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November 05, 2008
Election Results and the Drug War
On the drug policy front, Obama’s decisive victory finally signals that America’s drug war, like the Berlin Wall, will eventually cease to exist. Moreover, “medical marijuana” is most likely the strategic initiative that will bring its disappearnce about; thus confirming the fondest hopes of America's drug policy opponents and worst fears of its supporters.
To that end, California’s Proposition 215, now celebrating its twelfth anniversary and having induced more chronic users to leave their closets (at least partially) than in any other state, becomes a logical focal point for “Change We Can Believe In.”
Although not a slam dunk, there are hopeful signs: of the two presidential candidates, Obama acknowledged his own initiation and use of illegal drugs more honestly than Clinton, Gore, or Bush. He was also the most outspoken ever in his support for medical marijuana Although the pre-Baby Boom McCain didn’t have to lie like Bubba or Dubya, neither did he hide his contempt for pot smokers.
For those and several other reasons, I believe a concerted effort to focus the Obama Administration on various specifics of the California experience with Proposition 215 is virtually without risk and might pay dividends more quickly than many could now imagine.
Doctor Tom
Posted by tjeffo at November 5, 2008 05:01 PM